A-Z Index

June Dates in Northwest History


Day Year Event
June 1 1955 Northwest enrolled its first students in graduate courses.
June 1 1938 Dr. J.W. Jones arrived at the college from Terre Haute, Indiana, to become dean of the faculty.
June 1 1993 The University began a mandatory recycling program.
June 1 2023 Dr. Lance Tatum began work at Northwest as the University's 11th president.
June 2 1925 A "24 Hour Rule" was instituted, requiring all faculty to remain in Maryville for 24 hours after 4 p.m. on the last day of examinations at the end of each term or forfeit one half a month's salary; the incidental fee was raised to $15 to include a $2.50 activities fee.
June 4 1937 Gov. Lloyd C. Stark signed an appropriations bill for $250,000 for a new training school building, which was completed in 1939 and remains the home of Horace Mann Laboratory School today.
June 4 1906 Frank Deerwester was selected as the first president of the Normal School.
June 5 2011 Scott Bostwick, who was named the Bearcat football team’s head coach in January, died of a heart attack while mowing the lawn at his Maryville home.
June 6 1917 The first Tower yearbook was published and was named by Dr. E.L. Harrington of the physics department; the first degree class graduates, and for the first time, caps and gowns are worn at commencement.
June 6 1921 Uel W. Lamkin was elected president, effective Sept. 1, 1921.
June 6 1922 Homer T. Phillips and Margaret Franken begin their employment with the college.
June 8 2010 Northwest's Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship was recognized as the Missouri winner of the Southern Growth Policies Board 2010 Innovator Award during the board’s annual conference in Kentucky. 
June 9 1930 Poet Arthur Guiterman visited the Northwest campus.
June 9 2011 The Northwest community gathered to honor Head Football Coach Scott Bostwick during a Celebration of Life service at Bearcat Stadium. The program took on a game-day atmosphere and included tributes to Bostwick, who died of a heart attack four days earlier.
June 10 1929 The "24 Hour Rule" was revised to include the day before the opening of a term as well as the day after the close of a term, on which days faculty members were to be in Maryville or lose 10 percent of one month's salary for each day missed.
June 11 1906 Eliza Munn became the first student to enroll at the Fifth District Normal School.
June 11 2004 Northwest announced the American Dream Grant Program, an innovative needs-based financial aid initiative that assists undergraduates who might otherwise find a college education beyond their financial reach. Students qualifying for the American Dream Grant needed to meet all Northwest admissions criteria and come from the neediest families based on their application for federal aid. Northwest filled the gap between the cost of tuition, room and board, primary textbooks and the use of a computer for qualifying students so that the maximum payment the student would need to make during their first two years at Northwest was no more than $2,000 annually.
June 11 2019 The Northwest community gathered to dedicate the renaming of its power plant as the John C. Redden Jr. Power Plant. Redden, died Nov. 12, 2018, and provided 45 years of service to Northwest as a staff member in its Facility Services area.
June 12 1984 Ceremonies commemorated the completion of the restoration of the Administration Building with the installation of three copper ventilators on the roof of the west wing, which was destroyed in the July 24, 1979, fire.
June 13 1906 Classes of the Fifth District Normal School began with 212 students. Additionally, the training school opened with 64 children enrolled in grades kindergarten through third grade.
June 13 1934 Faculty organized their first meeting to establish a local chapter of the American Association of University Professors and elected Dr. Joseph W. Hake as president, Miss Blanche Dow as secretary and Miss Mattie Dykes as treasurer.
June 14 1917 The Philomathean literary society purchased a $50 Liberty Bond, the first to be bought by a college organization during World War I. More than 20 years later, the bond was located at a Federal Reserve bank in Kansas City and Philo members cashed it to purchase a painting by Olive DeLuce that was displayed in the Administration Building.
June 15 2015 The Northwest and Maryville communities celebrated the completion of the Fourth Street Improvement Project, which had closed the corridor for the previous year, and the re-opening of the street with an evening ribbon-cutting and block-party style festival.
June 15 2017 Northwest broke ground for the Carl and Cheryl Hughes Fieldhouse, a 137,250 square-foot facility to serve a multitude of social, recreational and economic needs for the University and region.
June 16 1905 The bill creating the Fifth District Normal School for northwest Missouri became a law.
June 18 1908 All work on the Administration Building, which began in the fall of 1907, was stopped because of a lack of funds.
June 18 1915 Normal pins, designed by the class of 1914 with a representation of one of the towers, went on sale.
June 18 1926 The Board of Regents rescinded its 1914 action forbidding fraternities and sororities on campus.
June 19 1937 President and Mrs. Lamkin sailed for Tokyo, Japan, for the Seventh World Conference of the World Federation of Education Associations, of which Federation President Lamkin was secretary-general.
June 19 1981 Franken Hall became a co-ed residence hall.
June 20
June 21 2018 Horace Mann Laboratory School students, teachers, staff and parents as well as Northwest and local leaders gathered to celebrate the opening of a new outdoor classroom in the yard north of Brown Hall.
June 22 1906 Specifications for Academic Hall, known today as the Administration Building, were adopted.
June 22 1921 A tourist camp was located in the north section of College Park.
June 23 2011 Adam Dorrel, a former Bearcat football player, graduate assistant and an assistant coach for the previous seven seasons, was named head football coach. Dorrel became the 19th head coach in the program’s history and the third in six months after the retirement of Mel Tjeerdsma and the unexpected death of Scott Bostwick.
June 24 1919 War service scholarships were provided for veterans for six quarters.
June 25 1977 The city of Maryville honored outgoing president Dr. Robert Foster by proclaiming Robert Foster Day. The Alumni Association honored him that night with a tribute banquet, culminating with the announcement of a $50,000 scholarship fund created in Foster's honor, the largest scholarship fund created by a giving campaign in Northwest's 72-year history.
June 28 1935 R.T. Wright joined the agriculture faculty.
June 28 2019 Ashley Brincks, a senior animal science major from Carroll, Iowa, was crowned Ms. United States Agriculture.
June 29 1915 The Coburn Players staged "The Yellow Jacket," "The Imaginary Sick Man" and "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in front of the Administration Building.
June 30 1977 Dr. Robert Foster, who had served as the University's seventh president since 1964 and joined the Northwest staff in 1948, retired.
June 30 2010 Membership in the Northwest Alumni Association reaches an all-time high with 6,737 members and 17 active alumni chapters.

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